Friday, June 17, 2011

A breath of fresh air

Last weekend Stephen and I escaped to Door County! A.L.O.N.E. That is right just to two of us (well Mick came too).

Stephen's parents happily took Taft for the weekend and we gladly passed him along to get some much needed R&R. Three things I realized...
1. I really missed Taft 2. I really miss sleeping! 3. I really miss Stephen

Being a mom is hard work! Maybe it was because I wasn't a mom, but I don't really remember my friends that had kids before me talking about how hard it is or was for them. Maybe it wasn't hard for them and it has just been hard for me? Maybe its something that moms don't talk about because they feel like they have to do it on their own or people will jugde them for complaining about their kids? Whatever the reason may be I realized that I can't do this all on my own and I need the help of my husband, family and friends to keep me encouraged, provide breaks, teach me things I don't know, and rally with me when things are hard. This is refreshing! I just said I don't have to do it all on my own! And it took a weekend of being on my own to realize this : )

This weekend was about a break and about spending time together with Stephen. I think we are still learning how our life works WITH Taft in it instead of trying to make our life work on the side when he is asleep or not with us...its a learning process. It was just so good to spend that time together and talk about being parents, about where we are at, where we want to be, what our joys and struggles are right now. It was good to laugh, drink wine on the beach, sleep in, have a nice dinner, drive around to some of our favorite spots and read!

We both came back with a new perspective and a new found love for our son and a very grateful heart for our parents. I feal like it was a much needed time away that really made me realize how thankful I am for Taft and that I get to have the privilege to be him mommy!

I mean really! This kid is amazing!


  1. Such a sweet reflection...yes being a mommy is hard work, but oh so worth it in the long haul. You will need rekindling moments more than once.....and that is what GRANDPARENTS are put me on the list to come up and give you a break or overnight.......and yes yes he is an amazing kid ! I have a little tear in my eye, but I am smiling. You are a great mommy !

  2. You rock Keresa. Enjoy the breaks and enjoy how much that little man can change your heart. They bring so much joy to us and you are absolutely correct. Sometimes you just need a break. Isn't being a Mom awesome?!
